Hurt :(

Hurt my hip yesterday. Took my laptop into town to get some work done, and had my legs on a chair with laptop resting on it and that seems to have strained a muscle or something. It wasn’t hurting before and then it was. This is very much not good. Sleeping/lying down makes it worse….

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Fashion, tea frogs and the trouble with web pages

Some more reading of the Fashioned from Penury book. I’m reading it on the bus, and not much travelling going on over the holidays so slow reading. There’s a bit about the change from “tropical/Indian-influenced clothing (i.e. predominantly white) to European-influenced clothing (i.e. predominately black). This apparently happened sooner in Sydney and later in Queensland…

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Tuesday is Tuesday

Lots of little things today. Worked through some newspaper accounts of trials in the Supreme Court in 1872 and was able to compile of a “chart” of the procedures. It seems much the same as modern procedures, just varying in the details. Whereas 50 years earlier, the procedure was different. I don’t think I could…

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Last night I made a start on adding books to Libib. This is mostly so when I am away from home I can check what I already have. Using a barcode scanner so it quick. Zap! Big hardbacks can be done still on the shelf and paperbacks a handful at a time. Zap! Zap! Now…

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Tea, the war & evacating Darwin

While looking for something else, I found an ABC article about tea, which at the end mentions tea rationing during World War II, and an accompanying increase in petty theft: “Never mind the Japanese are about to invade, this tea rationing was [seen as] totally unrealistic and unreasonable.” So I went to see what was…

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Fashion & fiction

Here’s an idea to develop: “Class differentiation, one of the primary functions served by dress, was not always clear. A confusion about dress and its signals commenced that continued throughout the nineteenth century.” (Fashioned From Penury: dress as cultural practice in colonial Australia, Margaret Maynard.) I guess it’s easy if you’re writing historical fiction the…

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Journalling every day! Starting now!

I want to get into the habit of using this Journal as journal, for the various reason it is a good idea. So, I’m going to post every day because that is a good way to develop a habit. It might be a long post, a couple of lines or a picture. It might, well…

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