On the highway I took photos from the car window, to see how they’d come out. I like the lighting and colours in this region. One day maybe I’ll get a chance to stop and take proper photos, but we’re always just passing through on the way to somewhere else. As most of the trip was driving, there ended up being a lot of photos taken from the car 🙂
Just past Ross.
Also, I like the lumpy hills.
We stopped in Kempton for a break. Some of the party went to the shop for a drink. Some of the party went down the road to take photos of churches.
Kempton was a coaching town on the highway. Someone forgot to tell these people that the highway bypasses the town, and there are no coaches anyway.
Back on the road, heading for Hobart. Although we stopped at Dysart to take photos.
Closer to Hobart, the properties are smaller and the gardens are bigger. A lot of horses about.
At Bridgewater (that’s where the highway crosses the Derwent in the north of Hobart) there are lots of swans.
We stopped in the city to do some shoppping
We stopped in the city for lunch
and then continued south.
It’s weird how the landscape sometimes looks so English and sometimes, Nope. Also I couldn’t work out which building was the church.
Yeah 🙂 Which church?