Today being March 1 means I have survived February. Yay. Also, one month of Journal. Not a lot of posting here, but that’s OK. It’s just for when I want to, not because I have to.
Today I went to Esk Market with Mother. That was fun. Brought some very “organic” apples, Akane, and some mushrooms. (Mushrooms get fried up with corn and bacon. Yum.) Also Amelie DVD. Esk not particularly exciting as markets go, but it does have fruit and some DVDs, and the occasional interesting thing.
Afterwards, we went to Glebe Gardens, and walked around the garden part. The silver birch glade is good idea. Then to Becks’ garden centre. Then to Bunnings’ garden centre. Thought about getting some thyme. Have to decide which species first. Did get some pretty dark red dianthus.