(from the Tasmanian and Port Dalrymple Advertiser, 26 January 1825. Original text is in italics, with my comments below.)

1. Brisbane Street — running from the Government Cottage to the western extremity of the Town, and in which are situated the Police Office and the Launceston Hotel.
East end of City Park to… somewhere near Margaret Street? Launceston Hotel was more or less where it is now.

2. Paterson Street — parallel to Brisbane Street, in which are the Barracks, Gaol, and Government Windmill.
I think the Windmill was about where Kings Park is now. There was a military complex where the TAFE/Technical College. I assume that’s the same location. Gaol is also bordered by Bathurst Street (see below). On Smythe’ s map (1835), it’s where Launceston College is now

3. Cameron Street —Cornwall House, Court-House, and Naval Office.
Looking at Sharland’s map, the Naval Officer’s House was in Civic Square, about where the old house is. Same location as Naval Office? In 1835 the Customs Houses is there, so it seems to. The courthouse was cnr of Cameron & St John (the empty bit beside the Public Buildings. I wonder if the building was still there when they were built? It would explain the set back from the street.) Cornwall House would be Cornwall Hotel.

4. Cimitiere Street — from the Commissariat Stores, past the Tasmanian Printing Office, to the Government Garden, and the Road to Paterson’s Plains.
I think the Commissariat Stores might been on a site that ran between Cimitiere & Cameron and (see below) bordered by Charles St i.e. where the magistrate’s court & Macquarie House are now. Government Garden being City Park. Road to Paterson’s Plains is Elphin Rd sort of.

5. William Street —from George’s Square past Mr. Reibey’s.
George’s Square is bordered by William St, St John St & Charles St (see below). So Cornwall Square (where transit centre/Harvey Norman are). There are later maps with Reibey’s waterfront holdings on them.

6. York Street – running parallel to Brisbane Street, behind the Launceston Hotel.

7. Elizabeth Street – St. John’s Church, parallel to York Street.

8. Frederick Street – between St. John’s Church and Capt. Lockyer’s house.

9. Tamar Street – commencing from the Punt over the North Esk River, towards Windmill Hill.

10. George Street – from the Government Wharf, parallel with Tamar Street, and Prisoners’ Barracks.
Prisoners’ Barracks cnr George & Cameron Sts

11. St. John’s Street – from the North Esk River, past George’s Square, Lumber-yard, Engineers Office, Launceston Hotel, and St. John’s Church.

12. Charles Street – George’s Square, Commissariat Stores, and the New Road to Hobart Town.

13. Wellington Street – from the Tamar, past the Military Barracks, parallel to Charles Street.

14. Bathurst Street — from the Gaol parallel to Wellington Street. The Battery, in front of the Military Barracks, is also named “Fort Cameron,” in honour of our worthy Commandant.

Top image is from Plan of the town of Launceston, by Smythe, H. W. H,, 1835.  Available online here.

Link to Sharland’s map (1826) with modern overlay is here.

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